Os hago un pequeño resumen sobre lo que trata esto:
Los requisitos son los siguientes.
1- Tener una cuenta de Banggood completa, con toda la informacion de envio y numero de telefono
2- Tienes que compartir los enlaces que dan en la página que pongo abajo de la noticia en facebook primero
3- Si te han aceptado el "free trial" Te informaran por email.
4- Sobre hacer las reviews: 1) Hacer una review en bangood con imagenes y video 2) Postear la review en facebook o canal de youtube 3) La revie de facebook debe tener al menos 5 imagenes 50 palabras y una review de youtube de al menos 3 minutos 4) El titulo y los enlaces deben estar
destacados con BANGGOOD
5) Tienes que tener + de 500 amigos en facebook y más de mil subs en youtube.
6) Tienes que hacer la review 5 antes de 5 dias después de recibir el aritculo.
7) Si eres bueno haciendo reviews, banggood te mandará mas articulos en un futuro.
8) Credito de bangood
Y avisan: Si la review es fake o no cumple las normas serás baneado. Si no haces la review después de recibir el articulo serás beaneado de banggood y puesto en la lista negra.
Texto original:
Read and accept the following rules before enter.
Rules & Tips:
1. You must have a Banggood account and have full information in your account, such as your name, shipping address, phone number.
2. You should share the free trial event successfully on your Facebook first. And then fill the the application form with your personal information. It will increase your chance to win if you follow this tip.
3. If you are offered free trial, we will inform you via email and announce it on the winner list.
4. About Making Reviews: ① Make a review in our website and post the product image & video on product page. ② Post the review on your Facebook and YouTube Channel. ③ The Facebook review should contain at least 5 pictures, 50 words and Youtube video review at least 3 minutes. Banggood Logo included in your photo and video. ④ Title and product links must be highlighted with Banggood.
5. You must have more than 500+ Facebook fans and at least 1000 + YouTube fans.
6. You must make the review after you receive the sample in 5 days. When you finished, you should fill the form to notify us. CLICK HERE to finish the form.
7.If you are good at making reviews, we will send you more nice samples directly next time.
8.Banggood Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Attention: If your review is fake or not meet the requirements, you will be banned to apply again. If you don’t make a review after you receive the sample, you may face the risk that we will lock your Banggood account and put your name in our black list.
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